Confidence, cleanliness, urbanity, kissing, flirting, laughing, chill music, scented massage oils and waning inhibitions. Erections, handholding, sexting, erotic literature, public handjobs, rendezvous, casual nudity, pubic hair, marijuana joints, open relationships, sexy conversation, pornography, dive bars, MMF threesomes, champagne, shower sex, female orgasms, and Alpha males with clean hands and dirty minds.
Arrogance, fauxgiene, incivility, jealousy, insecurity, racism, anti-Semitism, cultural oppression, sexual suppression, religious depression, addicts, users, abusers, power struggles, litterbugs, shoplifters, fake laughs, ghosts, grudges, greed, hyper-sensitive shamers and blamers, and insensitive haters and beraters. Stagnation.