The Future of This Page and Where To Find My Content
Thank you Pornhub for 100,000+ views on this channel. This was my second channel, my first one had 80,000+ views before PH deleted it. I was not exempt from the 2020 pornhub purge. I am a content creator who respects the an anonymity of the individuals that I have hooked up with. These men identify as straight, bi, DL and/or discrete and are fine with being recorded (and having the videos shared) as long as their faces aren't shown. However, they did to my uploading their ID's so they can become PH models. I like having sex and sharing it with those around the world. I don't want to make money off of it, I just wanted to help you guys bust a nut. I have moved some of my content to xhamster and xvids: TheWetWestCoast Thanks again for giving me 180,000+ views. It's been real Pornhub.