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解锁了一个新成就:"The Duke"
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解锁了一个新成就:"5 year old account"
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解锁了一个新成就:"4 year old account"
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解锁了一个新成就:"3 year old account"
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It was fun lads
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DM always open

Don't be afraid to talk to me about anything. I'll answer you all ^^
  • 6
on alimuslim321
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on alimuslim321
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订阅了3 个用户


all you niggas can do is tell me to make more videos, like nigga if you want them so badly and 20 people tell me everyday, make some yourself, its not super hard and does not require any magic just some dedication. you have time to sit on pornhub 10 hours a day but can't make a video and sound together. real pathetic
  • 13


Muslims are just nasty hardcore hypocrites, period.
  • 13
do you got , discord or twitter?
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订阅了4 个用户


Every fucking day I have horny monkeys writing that they wanna fuck their mothers and they love my videos etc but like come on! Some day later they always send this fucking copy paste . Like: fuck you I don't wanna be like you. Ur a goat fucker go love your religion and don't come back to this site. Never message me if this description fits you. 
Here’s the message : Unknown 07:49 am
Brother, blasphemy is a terrible sin, it takes us outside the fold of Islam. Let us repent to Allah, the Most High, the Exalted and Majestic lest we perish in this sin. If we die in this sin, it's an eternity in Hell and every person we misguide by the bad images/videos/words we post, we will get for them as well without their being reduced. Imagine dying and your profile being a source of for you. Let us return to our Lord who is most Merciful and Most Forgiving. The doors of His Mercy are still open. Delete everything and close your profile, I am and seek psychiatric help for this mental disease we have. Today You are no longer able to message this member.
Just stop, you ain't doing anything good when deleting your account instantly after you saying like this. If your gonna enjoy porn do it properly but don't tell me what to do and its better than going back every other day and then repent and cry and ask for forgiveness, you guys are the lowest scum.
  • 13
I got the message then I decided to delete my account but don't because I want to enjoy porn & sex life most
  • 0

Rest in Peace

Your video "Worship Porn (Islamic Compilation)" has been rejected for reason: "Copyright Video"
  • 5
Any way I can get the video ?? somewhere out of porn hub ? or re-upload on private ?I didn't see it, and of course I have to jerk on it
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The dumbest thing I know is that a socalled believer in religion is on a porn site and then he'll play God faithful ,moral person and criticize others.I personally think that the person who wrote the message to you sits and rips his fucking cock while he sees your video and pictures and then when he has his little orgasm he gets the ado and his sins leave to you.He gets to fuck himself,he gets to fuck his religion,he gets to fuck his GOD and he gets to cum on with his holy kuran or bibleF
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Please accept my request
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Okay, let's get this straight. I was born a Muslim but I am not practicing right now alright?! All I practice everyday is how to stroke my cock to these angels I see on my screen while I load my nose with beautiful coco and I fucking hate Islam and Fuck allah. He a bitch for disrespecting Porn like that. See how I did not capitalized the "a" in that faggots name but Porn is the greatest the most merciful God ever lived on this planet or the whole fucking universe. Porn is real, Religion is not.

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