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解锁了一个新成就:"The Hand Held"
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Looking to make No-strings attached porno movies?

I am watching these videos that people make and wonder "how were these guys able to get that girl and they're not even that good at fucking her?" It's kind of upsetting well at the same time inspiring because if they did it, I know I can too. Maybe all I actually need is some expensive to break on through to that side of my encounters. I've recorded a few girls and I, taken a few pics, but I get the ones that are like "Lets erase them now" _ Too lame. And to think the hard work I put in for these videos to get deleted and erased. I mean, don't get me wrong, I loved fucking her guts out, but I felt I should share with the world the badass way I rock a girl's socks off. I live in the east side of Hollywood, and I know there's a public that's into and sharing their crazy Sex Videos. I want to break into that side and be able to express myself sexually. I am capable of being both a tender and gentle lover or a Wild werewolflike almost like fucker. (I don't mean I , but I get very rough and aggressive). If any girls, of any age or size, are feeling the same about exploring how fun a video can be, and would like to try and make something happen with a nopressure kind of guy, let me know. I have many ideas I would love to put into a film one day. I have a theme for a whole porno movie, all I need are the girls. I wont talk about what it is because some one might take this Idea, but I can give you a hint.... 'Costumesparodies'... there's more to it then that, but I can only discuss this privately. So if you are a female willing to try something fun, message me and ask me more. A few extra things about me: Good with baby oil/massage (so if you want to get a fullbody baby oil massage, look no further) 6.57 inch straight clean cock (no bends, limps, weird color, bumps. Just a perfect cock *See my pics...) Good kisser (Don't take my word for it, find out 😉...) Pretty strong I guess (Stamina, power, always ready and rockhard for whole sessions. Working out more now, was lazy cus I was strong enough for what I need to do in life. To Fight fools and Fuck girls... Oh... and lifting sofas and cabinets 😜 ) Great artist (I can paint a picture of you beautifully) ANd a whole bunch of other things you would like. I can handle many different types of Women. May they be nice, bitches, Good girls, demon , weird, naughty as fuck, whatever. I wonder if there's some girl that can dominate me mentally and sexually. Haven't met one yet. I don't think I like to be dominated. I'm the dominator and I fuck usually how I wanna fuck. She says hard, I go harder. She wants it slow and Nice, I do that too. It really depends on her vibe and body language. But yes, any Women interested in making some Amateur videos for fun, message me. You can also Email me at jobloww78(at)gmail(dot)com subject: Lets make movies 😉 I really wanna start making fun movies and get my name out there, your's as well, and soon, who knows where it can take us. Reneowolf777
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I wanna watch some nasty ass girls do what they do best, and maybe meet up some horny girls that know how to have some fun. Life is too short to give a fuck

Los Angeles
Los Angeles
"United States"
Artist/Music show Promoter
Too many schools
I do paintings and play music. Punk rock, Psychobilly, Trojan Ska. I go out and get fucked up. Into having FWB, ain't nothing better then sex without the drama.
Into good comedy movies. The Mask, Blue Streak, Nothing to Lose, blahblahblah!!! I aint gonna put every movie... :P
Punk Rock (Not the kind that has EVER come out on the radio) Psychobilly, Reggae, Ska, JAzz, Big Band 1940's, Rap, Deep house, anything catchy I guess...
.... Not too much into reading. I am a good reader and speller though... I write my own stories, I guess this is why I don't read much...
Big smile, Big eyes, freckles, pig tails, smooth skin, long hair, that magical scent each woman has. Glasses, innocent looking girls, cus they have held in their feelings longer (Sex bomb!) Red/black/brunette Heads, Punk/psychobilly/skinhead girls, a nice smooth bellybutton, chubby, petite, in between size girls. Tattoos, piercings, Baby oil on her body, nice feet with exotic nail polish colors. Cos play, (Cus every man has wanted to fuck a super hero Girl) and all around the whole fact I got a woman all to myself is already a turn on. For me to make feel good and to feel good myself. I take pride in pleasing her, her satisfaction is MY satisfaction.
Snobby stuck-up girls, bad breath, ugly attitude, too loud, too much perfume, attention whores, stink ass pussy (Oh gawd don't get me started on that), nipple piercings in my mouth(I rather just feel the skin. This is my ONLY piercing exception) and just lack of self maintenance... PLease take care of yourselves girls :/
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