Poetry, Fantasy Art, all types of Music, writing, reading & watching Erotica,
Anything Sex -thinking about it, wanting it, aching for it, having it, touching, rubbing, tasting, feeling, riding, pounding, SEX, SELF PLEÀSURING, FANTASY PLAY, FLIRTING, TEASING, NIBBLING, LICKING, SUCKING & CUDDLING most especially with one specific person I am ❤️🔥 with
I am at a point in life I want to try new things
Hallmark movies, all NCIS shows & Hawaii 5-O
Any with good rythm but my lean towards Country, Classic Rock & light Rock
Nicholas Sparks books & deliciously detailed erotica
Tall 5'10"+, clean, well manicured, kisses - neck, forehead, palm, earlobe and passionate ❤️🔥 💋 the kind that make my core ache for more
Passionate, Sensual, Confident
Givers & Takers
The sensual sounds of someone enjoying their erotic releases and the eye roll when in the throws of intense pleàsuring
Taste of smoke & alcohol
Unclean & unmanicured
Bad BO & Breath