Video Deletion
Ayyyy so I post the most G rated porn on Pornhub. But pornhub is consistently deleting my videos...without warning or reason. Out of the 50 I post and put up they may accept just 1. But then they delete it in a few weeks again anyways. I find this unbelievable considering I find other accounts here with millions and millions of views with piss drinking mouth farting and sniffing and all other types of Fetish content, but my absolutely G rated clean versions of fetish porn are waged war upon. I don’t dare post a video with a girl farting or pissing it’s rejected immediately for bodily fluids. I also find even videos of girls taking actual on here with millions of views! But my hot girls showing there big assses off and occasional ass eating scenes ooo no it’s too much for Pornhubs clean reputation Smh. So to all of our fans who are constantly asking why we don’t post more of our videos and clips etc this is why is...Pornhub deletes it all. End rant.