Was morevoreplz, until I took too many reports to the account. Reestablishing things because it's the only way to get content and share it. I'll be trying to add people back and trying to reupload over time. Videos will now be named vaguely for fear of another report attack. Don't add people if you intend on fucking them over. I have over 200gbs of vore trash to upload, stuff I planned on adding but couldn't because I was reported too much. I'll add everything I've found since I started saving videos in due time. I can't upload that many videos in one sitting, so be patient, or just ignore my friend requests, whichever works. Same rules as before: have something to be added. If I have to do it, you do too. If it's taking a long time for me to get to your friend request, blame the 50+ people who add me a day who have almost nothing in their profiles who apparently can't read. I'm not accepting anyone and everyone to just be reported and fucked over again.
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