Science channel, Discovery channel, Animal Planet,Nat Geo,BBC, MSNBC,HBO, Showtime (Many Documentaries) All of richard dawkins stuff. Moves: Sound of music, Minority report, The Dark knight, The god who wasn't there, No country for old men, Valkeryie, Gladiator, and MANY MANY MORE
R&B, Rock, Rap, and some Classical music
The giver, Anne Rices vampire chronicles,Demon Hunted world,The end of faith, The Anscestors tale, Infidel, Rant, Unweaving the rainbow,Descarte's baby,The incredible shrinking son of man, Anything by H.P lovecraft
Beautiful smile,Big fat asses, thick thighs, big lips,
i love all kinds of women(as long as shes not EXTREMELY OBESE)
Sorry guys im not gay but that doesn't mean we cant be friends on here. (i may or may not accept male friend requests..that'll be for me to decide)