The Musings and Life of an Intellectual That Really Likes Porn
Schedule Involving The Usage of Pornography:
Today: porn.
Tommorow: porn.
The Day After: living my dream as a wine connisieur. With a hint of porn.
The Day After That: a light brunch with a dollop of porn on the side.
The Bloody Day After That: philosophical discussion involving porn.
And The Day After That: enlightening my abode with some feng-shui involving, you guessed it, small ivory figurines. Making porn.
And Of Course The Day After That: fondling my inner Picasso and constructing a sculpture. Most likely of it performing porn. (note: sell to wealthy museum, use profit to buy more porn).
It's not an addiction. I can stop whenever I wish to. The problem with that, however, is that I don't wish to. Porn is like that one friend you have whom you can only hang out with for short periods of time with constant interaction before you need a thirty-minute break and a cigar. Porn is like a painting that happens to be showing two genital regions doing the salsa (sometimes literally, which was an interesting experience during my high-school years, let me tell you).
Porn is love. Porn is life. Porn is happiness. Want to prove me wrong? Go watch a good deal of porn when you're upset with the intent of masturbation, then come back and tell me how you hated doing so. Go on; I'll wait... Done yet? No? Go watch another video. It's fine; I have some tea to sip on while you're doing 'business'... Back already? Man, how time flies. Anyway, have anything to refute me? No? Then shaddup, sit down, and accept that porn rocks, you simpleton.
Today I came to a horrifying conclusion that I am, in fact, a terrible terrible person. Not for me liking hentai, or , or cowgirl riding through a pizza (it exists; for your sake, don't look it up). But simply because I only watch porn at night. It's a frightful realization when I noticed this. Why only at night? I'm horny for the entire day, and wait for the suffering until the darkness covers the Earth like an ethereal blanket. Does this make me a sadist? A masochistic sociopath who enjoys trudging through the mundane passing of my day-to-day, and to withhold sweet ecstacy until the dreamscape heralds my name? Perhaps; all I know is, my fap time is starting to cut into my time. And that means cutting into my wet dream time. That don't fly with me.
[I am like a mofo and have no idea where I was initially going with this. I wish to say I have no regrets, but I feel that'll change next time I happen to look at this. Toodles, you dirty lovable hooligans you.]