Just a gender fluid Guy/Girly looking for people of all genders , Ages , Shapes and sizes to love , Hold and enjoy . I am however willing to be in a serious relationship with someone who is open to twisted and dark desires . I am into a lot of dark and messed up stuff so when I say I'll literally do anything I mean it . If you have questions simply message me and I shall reply , All questions of every kind are welcome so no need to be shy or feel like you cannot ask . I would prefer to find a lass to settle down with but I'm open to both , The type of relationship can be anything we would desire at the time , I'm open and willing to try anything new so the only boundaries stopping you enjoying me per ce are the ones you choose to put there yourself . (I will admit I don't get much attention but I'm too nice for my own good (Not my words) , Yes it hurts but it's just as much your loss as mine if that's how you are .)
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