2001 A Space Odyssey, Pulp Fiction, Young Frankenstein, The Godfather movies, Blazing Saddles, Fargo, Taxi Driver, Citizen Kane, Wizard Of Oz, Casablanca, Black Panther, Do The Right Thing, Yellow Submarine, Woodstock, Dracula ( Bela Lugosi), Mary Poppins, West Side Story Game of Thrones, Schitt;s Creek, Veep,
Just about everything. I've listened to a wide range of music and have an appreciation across the spectrum. Good music is good music especially if is timeless and does not dumb it down to cater to short attention spans.
Brave New World, Macbeth, 100 Years of Solitude, Naked Lunch, Life( Keith Richards), Paradise Lost, Dr. Seuss Books, The Emperor's New Clothes, The Magic Christian, 1984, The Crucible, Dr. Faustus,
Long lasting SEX:one on one, small groups, open minds, people with a sense of humor, wit, people who think outside of the box, independents, ..
Racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, , bigots, ignorance, stupidity, hustlers, small minded people