I was born in Kumrovek, Croatia. Which at the time, was under Austria-Hungarian rule. I started school at the age of eight, but only made it in where at , I dropped out. Later, I was in the military. I’d risen through the ranks to non commissioned officer. I went through of school for this, where in world war 1, I saw action on the frontlines. Later, I started to look into socialism, and started to join revolts for socialism. But when the Germans invaded, this stopped, I joined the Partisans, and was the leader of it. The paritsans were the most successful resistance during World War 2. After that, I became the new leader and the first leader of the country, Yugoslavia, I my opponents, but people loved me. Stalin hated me for not being allied with him, he spent spies, none of them had reached me. I’ve famously said “Stop sending people to me. We've already captured five of them, one of them with a bomb and another with a rifle... If you don't stop sending killers, I'll s
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