Important Message to all my friends and subscribers:
You might notice that all my videos have been deleted recently from out of nowhere. This was because Pornhub several weeks ago decided to completely remove all videos that were deemed "unvertified". According to Pornhub, this was to eradicate videos involving pornography, , or any harmful content. Since the videos that I uploaded didn't involve any of those things mentioned, I'm at a lost for words on why my content was deleted in the first place. It's become apparent now that Pornhub is running their site like another Big Tech company in the likes of Youtube, Facebook, and Twitter. They deleted and censor content they don't like even if it's not harmful in the first place. Even before the recent video purge, I ccould already sense this type of bias censoring by Pornhub. Just last month, I've had several AMWF videos lined up for uploading when the administrators completely blocked my video from uploading and never bothered to provide an explanation.
I wasn't the only one affected by Pornhub's recent policy. If you take a look at the AMWF search results on Pornhub, a lot of the AMWF videos from other users have also been deleted for no reason.
For those of you who feel bummed out and discourage by all of this. Don't! You can always move to another Pornhub alternative like .com where I'm going to be uploading my content from now on.
I'll let everyone know when I reupload my content. See you soon!