I AM Lesbian ..transgender I am a former dancer. I do yoga and pilates for a long time my body is very flexible and I love her legs and I like to wear pantyhose. I would like to bend my body, I love who has the body nice and flexible. when I have sex I am: A woman sensual and sexy, wear tights, and let me bend my body, I am a good contortionist. Are here to make friends with people not vulgar, but funny, and to chat and share ..... I love the contortion, I love seeing my body bend without limits, I love the passive stretching, bending the body to make me someone else provokes in me a sense of excitement and ecstasy ... I love Fetish, in particular nylon, pantyhose, I love people with my same interests. Sono un ex Ballerina Contorsionista da pochi anni in questo mondo, e sono LESBICA amo i trans e le Donne non mi piacciono gli Uomini. Insegno yoga e Pilates e pratico contorsionismo. Adoro la Lingerie e amo il Collant che indosso ogni giorno ,odio i peli e sono rigorosa nell'igene personale ,la cosa ch
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