Ninth Document of The Curator
Every day my people stray further from the Terran Divinus. Even the Elders seem to be clouded by human ways. It disgusts me. Not the humans, but the fact that we seek to become them. It is foul. There is beauty in humanity, otherwise the gods would not have permitted them to survive during the Great Cleansing. Oh,Baldouur, I wish you were here to tell me what I am supposed to do.
In other news, I have quit my post as in researching human pleasure, and given it to Angria. She seemed more ecstatic then I have ever seen her. She truly is of filthy mind. The job has lost all joy and, truly, I see its disgusting sides. Dark sides I wish I had never seen. On top of this, I have found and am cultivating a wonderful relationship with a human. They are such a beautiful creature, truly. I only hope I am permitted to stay by her. With all of this being said, and my ramblings ended, I conclude saying this. I will not cease my reports here, however they will be entirely different. No more cultivating and collecting videos and other files. Instead, perhaps, I might research the interactions of humans and love. So rare is it among my people, that I feel as if I am floating on air to experience it.