解锁了一个新成就:"8 year old account"
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解锁了一个新成就:"7 year old account"
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解锁了一个新成就:"6 year old account"
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解锁了一个新成就:"The Senior"
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解锁了一个新成就:"5 year old account"
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My Little Swallow verse Teeny Ginger! For a while there I was questioning if they were the same person. Had to put their videos side by side to see the difference. 🙃
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How to write JOI

Who am I writing this for? Who am I? Why I am writing this? If you are a JOI content creator who is reading this for the purpose of increasing their revenue, this may not be worth your effort. Let me make this easy for you. Girl gets naked, does sex act, put the majority of your budget into capturing an actual real orgasm! Now go make some money! If you are here because you are wanting to increase the quality of your work, keep reading. Who am I? What makes me such an expert? Rather than trying to stroke my own ego, I want to simply give the perspective of where my view on this subject is coming from. I am a retired communications engineer, having worked on anything from PBX systems and voicemail, to routers and complex internet server systems. Among other skills, I was expected to have the ability to write maintenance programs across many different platforms. From a programing perspective, I was a jack of all trades constantly in a battle to learn yet some new programming language. On top of this I have been an avid gamer, and tinkered with AI. If a language became important enough to learn in depth, I would use it to write a game. This helped me hone my programming skills, which in turn puts a roof over my head and food on my plate. Most of the time no one but myself would ever see the game. Typically it was fun to write some NSFW silly thing or another. The end goal for me was learning the language, so most of the time the game would never get completed and a few months later to be deleted. From tinkering with AI and this experience of writing NSFG games, I have become an avid fan JOI content. Both as a writer which might get published on Milovana or Literotica if I got something nice, and I am also of the audience. I do not make money off my work, so I am not affiliated in the porn industry in any professional manner. Who knows, maybe one day I might take my writing more seriously. How to write the worst possible JOI How ever many decades ago the very first girl was filmed in porn saying, "Hi there! I'm Candi! Do you like my dress? I picked it out just for you! I want you to stroke your cock for me!" No other mention of the viewer, his cock, or any of his involvement. 10 minute act of stripping naked, 10 minute masturbation act, orgasm, roll end credits. Whoever she was, she was the very first to ever address the viewer in such a way that encouraged his involvement. This was something new! Something novel! It was cool! I know! Lets call it JOI! 100,000 porn starlets later of "... Do you like my dress? I picked it out just for you! I want you to stroke your cock for me!" The industry is convinced they have the final solution on the exact science of making JOI videos. Just like shooting fish in a barrel. it is just too easy to bash on something like this. Instead, let us look at this from a different perspective. Say for example that you of those young starlets reading this now. No, not a top starlet with several hundred thousand adoring fans. That new starlet, one of a million other unknown starlets that just got into the industry and hears the term JOI for the very first time. What is that? Those are really successful! So they do a search for the top most highest rated JOI videos. They hit the play button and, "... Do you like my dress? I picked it out just for you! I want you to stroke your cock for me! ..." Why is it that she finds this piece of trash and is told this is the best JOI video ever made? Now this just happens to be something that I am expert in! How do search engines work against user ratings? Those of us that are actual true fans of JOI are a very niche audience. This does not mean that we are the only ones watching and rating a JOI video. If anything, we end up being the minority. Look at some of the statistics Porn Hub and others have talked about. The average user is pressed for time, so they search for the favorite porn star, skips to the last few minutes of the video to get to the orgasm, quickly faps off for a few minutes, happens to hit the like button. Well if there is a flood 100,000's of JOI videos of absolute crap quality, that have a big names and good quality orgasm in the last 2 minutes, that gets a top rating! So now the industry has convinced itself this is exactly what JOI users want! Next thing you know, some unknown amateur in her bedroom with a webcam is knocking the complete out of the ratings of well established high budget production agencies! What? How? My point is that just like any other social media, the big companies have them self locked into their own little echo chamber and is not thinking outside the box. Meanwhile the user metrics (extra fancy business term meaning user rating) are telling them they are right on target and doing everything perfectly! This further enforcing their echo chamber, it becomes obvious that I have no idea what I am talking about. The user metric said so! Connecting to your audience First you have to put us all in our appropriate boxes. Then you have to take us right back out of the box! What? Let us look at the first part, putting us in our boxes. I can not emphasis enough how those that are true fans of JOI are a very small but loyal niche market. But then you look at the whole of this niche, there are many different sub categories. Let me get back to this in a moment and focus on the one common factor verses the two major categories of JOI types. Let us call the common factor connectivity. Be it a video, story, game based, tease software, we want to feel connected to the story teller. We want to feel involved, and the last thing we want is to be ignored. So as the creator, you are the story teller. It is your responsibility to remain connected to your audience. If you take nothing else from reading this, this is key! JOI is a very intimate art form that tries its best to hide that barrier between creator and audience. Remain connected to your audience! In JOI you are the story teller. There are only two types of stories in this world, truth and fiction. Well in the case of JOI, there is a direct connection of the creator exposing them self to the audience, or telling a fantasy driven story. A direct connection may or may not have the creator personally connecting. For example, maybe you are working on an AI tease software where the personality is fictional, but not story driven. You are still trying to make a direct connection to where this fictional character is interacting with the player. Fictional character or actor on , this is a most intimate, or perhaps even an emotional exchange. See and acknowledge this for what it is. Embrace it! With story driven the line becomes more blurred. Similar to a role playing game, most often the audience is the leading character in your story. They are the ones interacting within this fantasy that you are weaving. Through your story, you must remain connected to your audience. Immersion is the coin of the kingdom here. As the story teller, you must keep the player in their head space with the mind that they are the one in control of the story. Or at least convince them that they are in control of their own actions. We all know the story teller is in control, but we are here to enjoy your illusion. Then you have all your little tiny sub boxes. Are you connecting to a submissive? Are they into BDSM? Are they wanting a more vanilla experience? What are their quirks and kinks? As a story teller, pick one and stick with it until you are done telling your story. You want to pick a different type? Tell a new and different story! Don't mix the two up, unless you really understand how they might connect to one another. Oh, and don't forget that great orgasm in the last 2 minutes! The user metric demands it! Now you have to take us back out of that box! What do I mean? I am not the same person I was yesterday. I will not be the same person tomorrow. Perhaps today I want to have a sexual adventure of a lifetime and experience all the thrills and chills that you can possibly offer. I get off work tomorrow, I'm tired and yet find myself with a hard on. So I search porn hub for my favorite porn star, skip to the last few minutes and fap off the her orgasm at the end, and hit the like button! On one hand, if you find something that works for you, do it some more! We want that! On the other hand, don't paint yourself into a corner to where everything becomes mundane simply for just being repetitive. Diversify! This has to be the worse death trap for an RPG programmer. You find a loop that works well, make a bunch of more loops similar to the first loop because it is easy to populate a large variety of interaction, only to forget that you are ultimately trying to tell a story. Know what you are talking about. 10 minutes into a JOI video, "I want you to stroke fast now! That's right! Now edge for me! Stroke faster! Don't cum! Keep on the edge! Stroke even faster for me! Hold that edge! Don't cum! ..." If you yourself have never actually taken the time to be alone, bring yourself to a few edges, learned what it is like to hold and edge and not cum, stop wasting my fucking time! If you want to create a JOI, have the curtasy and take the time to actually experiment with the types of play that you are encouraging. Then seek feedback from your fan base, get other opinions. Females and males have some similarities, and some differences. Get even more opinions specific to your target audience! Know what you are talking about. So in this example, if someone is edging they most likely are not stroking at all and have but the lightest of touches on the most sensitive part of their anatomy. It is one thing to make it a challenge and maybe trick them into cumming too quickly, but then why bother having another 20 minutes of material that the audience will never see? So if you plan is to trick them into cumming, plan for that and incorporate it into your story telling. Otherwise, if you are trying to take them on this journey of exquisite seemingly endless edges, they are going to need a good buildup of regular stroking, rest periods after the first few edges, extra slow stokes building into the next edge, light petting to cool them down, another slow and careful buildup to eventually get to where they are holding the edge a few seconds, ect, ect, ect. Gimmicks! Some gimmicks work really well and are actually enjoyed by many different fans of JOI. For example, the countdown to orgasm! I do not think anyone actually hates this, it is kind of neat. However it is a gimmick, and as soon as a gimmick becomes a formula it has lost its uniqueness. Imagine if your favorite content creator ended every single story with a countdown to orgasm! It is no longer special, kinda monotonous, and eventually a let down. Another countdown? Again? Really? I hope to see you creating more and better content!
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Amateur videos of yesteryear were so low budget, typically low grade, horrid lighting, bad angles, terrible editing, but there was always that one enjoyment of knowing how real it was. Enter the modern era, superior equipment with far lower prices and great editing software available for anyone that knows about places such as github. But one thing remains true, amature videos have a realism that just can not be surpassed with what ever niche market these large scale production conpanies are painting them self into the corner with. Shout out of course to Saffron Bucchus, Teeny Ginger, and quite a few others that I do not know thier videios quite as well. The industry needs to open their eyes, these new girls are going to bury them,
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It is interesting to see how Pornhub is trying to become a social medium. With all the bots and advertisers, it is a sad irony I am reminded of a time I once ventured into an adult video store. I was not really looking for a video, just had some time to and was window browsing in various shops and there just happened to be an adult video store. Of course there were other men looking around, head down, looking guilty, avoiding any eye contact with any other human being, and here was the store clerk, bored out of his mind watching Tiny Toons on TV. So I ended up joking around with him and joined him in sitting in an adult video store watching Tiny Toons. The point is, there are a handful of amateurs here that really are trying to do something different. I wonder if they would really be willing to push past the interesting gimmick and actually try to make a community here? Food for thought anyways.
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One of these days I am going to write a robot that friends all the spammer robots so that robots will keep the other robots warm at night.
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解锁了一个新成就:"The Sophomore"
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解锁了一个新成就:"The Scribe"
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I'm an old fart that at one time used to be a handsome dominant male, but old age finally caught up to me and just a quiet old hermit.

"United States"
Retired Communications Technician
JOI Software Design, Computer Gaming
Most anything from the MCU, movie and show adaptations of Neil Gaiman's works. On the sexy side, the works of Mimia Cute, and Pornotopia
Varies widely, from Benny Goodman to Band Maid. Mostly 70's hard rock, but quite a bit from the modern era as well.
The Tao of Physics. On the sexy side, the works of Many Eyed Hydra, especially the Succubus Summoning series.
Intelligence, being real, know thyself
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