I have to vent
I feel compelled to write. Do you have any idea what it feels like to always be the one who initiates sex? Ok...maybe not always...but at least 90% of the time. There is that about once a year time that she actually initiates. And usually it's because I've mentioned it. Yep...if you did the math, that's about right. Maybe once every 6 weeks. Maybe once a month for a few months in a row. Don't think I haven't tried.
/That little rub on your hip...are you interested? No? Maybe a back rub? Still no? Ok. Good night. I love you. The next day, I try again. You never reach out to me in bed...out of the blue. It's always me. Do you know how that feels?/
It's the loneliest feeling in the world to next to the woman I love, but she won't touch me. At least not unless she feels she has to. She says that being in bed is her favorite place to be so she can stretch out and read her book. FML!