Sporty, fit and fun adult model/actress who generally lacks the good common sense to just do it -- I'll try anything thrice! Partnered with another female pornstar whose fetish is filming/XXX photography. We're a perfect match, very happy and take requests...
兴趣爱好:My husband-like-wife @IHeartJessica (she's curvy, soft and feminine on the outside, but makes most of the critical decisions in our relationship, including whom we film with, so contact her) + travelling with her to make films. All meets are hired actress work.
会勾起我性欲的是:Chivalry and politeness do it for me -- don't much care about anything else.
会浇灭我性欲的是:#1 Is being spoken to like a horny Craiglist guy. I'm not a dude, and pornhub to me is performance art. #2 Controlling arseholes and FinDommes who proclaim themselves "Dominates", giving the rest of us Dommes a bad name....