Promiscuous Planet Inc. I bring direction and production you keep the financial rights... lets create some new content, Helping unknown amateurs become professionals...
Creative Projects, Research and Development, Science, Innovation, , Videography, Photography, Art, Tattoo Design, Travel, Roleplay, Oral and Freestlye Rap, Music, Paint, The Unknown, Antigravity Sex
Creativity, Intelligence, Sense of Humor, Hips, Lips, and Fingertips Talking dirty, Foreplay, Exhibitionism, Pornography, master/slave, roleplay, cosplay, ORAL, Reverse Cowgirl, Worship, CFNM, Striking Features, Tattoos Trans Females who look more female than genetic females, anything messy destroying something beautiful impulsivity and a chick whose not afraid to make the first move...
Judgmental People, Assholes, , Sobriety, Missionary Only, Handjob Endings, Blue Balls, Disrespect, Dishonesty, and Tope, Beige, and