I was making videos with daddy when I was 18 , with Snapchat and other apps like that. We uploaded a few here a little after we took them. We live the bdsm lifestyle 24/7 what daddy says, goes. I’m his little slave kitten! Feel free to message me any time! I may not reply fast all the time, but I always reply! I really love talking to all of you. It’s been really amazing getting to know some of you! Especially the few people we have met in person over the past couple of months! Now... For all of the gross assholes out there! If you would actually talk to me like I’m a human, you would get way farther! I don’t just meet up with random ass people. I NEVER meet people alone. Daddy is always there and involved. We are a package deal. I AM NOT A PROSTITUTE!!! No amount of money offered is going to get me to come meet you lol. That’s weird. We talked to the people we met for months on here/snap/FaceTime. I’m bi, daddy is not.
If you buy me something from my Amazon wishlist I’ll send you a cust
Playing video games! Goin on Road trips! Going on other trips, hehe! Sucking daddy’s cock!
Being dominated. By choice, not by force. And having people watch me! I love making nasty private video for you guys! The dirty stuff you people come up with is so hot. I LOVE MILFS
Guys who are to cocky come off as assholes. I will sit back and laugh at you while daddy makes fun of you.