Hello !! we really like doing porn, we really love you and your reviews, comments, we take into account the opinion and advice of everyone ❤❤❤ if you like our work you can always support us financially, we are happy for any amount, because your help is a direct development of the channel love everyone ❤❤❤Привет !! нам очень нравится заниматься порно , мы очень любим вас и ваши отзывы , коментарии , мы учитываем мнение и совет каждого ❤❤❤ если вам нравится наше творчество то вы всегда можете нас поддержать финансово , мы рады любой сумме , ведь ваша помощь это прямое развитие канала , всех любим ❤❤❤
Intramammoral (between breasts)
- Auricular (behind the auricle)
- Manual (by hand)
- Gluteal (between buttocks without penetration)
- Intratibial (between the ankles)
- Popliteal (under the knee)
- Intrafemoral (between the hips)
- Nasal sex (sex through or in the nose)
- Trichophilic frottage (gentle rubbing the phallus on the female hairstyle)
- Pubissex (rubbing on the partner's pubis)
- Vertebral (friction of the phallus on the partner's spine)
- Mammological frottage (friction of the phallus on the partner's nipples)
- Paravaginal frotting (genital friction without penetration)
- Footjob (any kind of sex with the lower extremities of the partner)
- Intrapedal (between the foot)