Lapidary and jewelery making, metalsmithing, forge and foundry work, welding, printmaking and hand craft paper making.
Absolute turn offs: You're late to a shoot time that has been well established days, or weeks in advance, and when I stop replying to your whiny messages, you go and say "I knew this was about something smh!". Yes fool. That something is called a timetable. "Oh, I didn't know you had other shoots lined up." Think your dick is so stellar it's the only one I need to worry about getting down on film? Think again. There is dick before, after you, and after I'm done for the day at the motel that I PAY FOR THAT YOU ARE GOING TO FUCK ME IN, I go home and get even more dick.
Someone gives you a tryout for a position, be it a job, and internship, or just a moment to be standing in the right place at the right time so you can catch the eye of someone you admire (think backstage outside a concert, or within eyeball distance of a sports-ball locker room), guess what? Your ass better show up on time (early is on time and on time is late), have a damn smile on your face, and leave your attitude deep in pocket.