I joined here to be just another person who'd watch videos, make comments and subscribed to a few pages and call it a day. Well that has changed,because i don't want to be that guy on the outside looking in. That is why I decided to give this modeling thing a chance. I have no what the hell I'm doing or where to begin,ill figure it out. I just need something in my life right now that's going to bring me out of my shell, to be at that comfort level with expressing myself and my body. See society paints this image on what you should look,dress and act like which may make some of us feel inadequate or abnormal sometimes. I no longer feel or think that way anymore and I have myself to thank. The reason being is i know, for a fact that I'm destined to be that person who's going to change people lives in a positive way. Either through my music, my personality or even with my perception on life today. I'm ready open up and begin this journey to connecting and sharing life experiences with you!
San Diego, United States
Music,I play the sax and have been since I was in . I may upload a video of me playing. (BUT BEWARE!!!)You might fall in love with me.
Feet. Love a woman with pretty toes. I can an instant hard on just by some pretty toes.
Positive people who don't judge books by their covers before even reading what the book is about. You know what I mean?
Women in general,all shapes,sizes,colors.
Lastly, if I'm feeling some type of way (usually horny), I like to show a women that I can make her wet, using just my words. If you're into that kinda thing, message me
Self-entitled assholes who believes the world owes them something.It pays to be humble and practice discernment.