Asteria has retired from the porn world but All of our content is on OnlyFans + More
We make Femdom, BDSM, Bondage, Mistress, Solo femboy and Cute Wholesome couple videos.
Hi, My names Crossed, if you wanna support my channel my OF is @Princesscrossed. On there you can text me ideas, ask me questions or even just have a chill convo. I’m Bi-gender or whatever labels kinda mess with me. I'm just me and somedays I'm a girl some I'm a guy and some in between. My goal is to be one of the top content creators so I still have a lot to learn! I only started in April 2022 and I started my Music Journey in January of 2022 but I'm actually starting to get good, low-key wanna be the next generations Eminem. I've still got a ton to figure out but I'm starting to make my own path. You should stick around and see where it leads :)
Music, Weed, Surfing, Skating, Gaming, I'm a music producer along with a rapper and tho I only started in January of 2022 I'm starting to get kinda goooooood. I make a tonnn of music but its kinda all practice right now.
Being Dom or Sub, crossdressing, breathplay, anal, oral, whips, bondage, toys, public scenes, cute degrading like being called a good slut💕 and a lot more
Piss play or anything with fecal stuff and cutting