

We had meet a long time ago. Or so it seemed. It was at a friends party. We had talked for many hours. We both were a little buzzed. At the end of the night we went to my place. We didn't just make love that night. It was a weekend affair. We both had a great time, but she didn't want to be in a relationship. She said she wanted to play the field. Weeks went by. She was still on my mind. Life goes on. I did the usual things work etc. Till one day. As it was a day like any other? I arrive at work. I smiled my good mornings, as I walk through the office to my desk. I put my briefcase under my desk. I went to the staff kitchen and put my lunch in the frig. I got a cup of coffee, switch on my PC, and sorted my mail. My Office manager, introduced a new employee. It was the women I had spent that weekend with. I was shocked. She said Hi to me as if she didn't remember me. She was cool as a cucumber. She's wearing the black jacket with a black skirt and black fuck me pumps. Her hair, her smell. She blow me away. They stationed her near my desk. "Hi." She glanced at me with the faintest smile, and takes her place at her desk. "Good morning." I reply, glancing up at her for a moment. She switches on her PC and goes to the office coffee area. I then open the project document I was working on last. She returns and starts to work through the paperwork on her desk. The forms you get when you first start working at a company. The smell of her perfume. How I remember smelling it on her skin, in my bed. I was only a one time weekend lover. She does not know that I can still remember what it felt like to feel her body against mine, as if it were yesterday. I can still taste her in my mouth. I became aroused just being in the space with her. I also pondered why was she here! I watched her everyday. I could feel her. Her scent as she came in. My mind always wondered to a space and time. That weekend was like magic. With everyday she came to the office. I grown to feel for her more. More then I ever expected. She was bright with a great sense of humor, I wanted to devour her. In my quiet reckless silence. She was a lot like me. She didn't bother with the" gay" scene. I detected a warm, compassionate, passionate woman who'd been hurt and by her X partner. I wanted to be her Ms right. I wanted this to be the 'real thing'. I was still cautious. I was scared that if I let her get close to me, really get to know me, she would reject me. It took a lot of time. I needed to find the courage. To ask her out. At this point, I felt like a in high school. I finally persuaded her to come back to my apartment, for drinks after work. she agreed. Thank God because I was so nervous. The thought that she would reject me, as I was wearing my heart on my sleeve appalled me. I finally started to unwind. Could I be so bold as to ask for a kiss? What could a kiss lead to? I lived in hope. Neither of them spoke, but both in perfect synchronization. Only inches separated them as they touched hands, fingers lacing perfectly to interlock. Lips parted and heads rolled slightly in opposite directions, aligning them for the special kiss of greeting they both craved. My head leaned down to her mouth as she tilted her head back to look up at me. Their eyes remained open as they hesitated, only fractions defining the space between their lips. Both of them exhaled; the rhythm of their dance of desire permitting warm breath to mix becoming one within themselves. The presence of another body's warmth, the sweetness of a lovers breath caressed them. The driving intensity of their dance into shallow breaths. Awaiting final submission to there burning want. Energy flowed between our souls, coursing through the coupling of their hands and fingers. They moved even closer, appearing to give into the magnetic attraction of the kiss only to back away slightly and roll their heads opposite of each other once again, noses slipping softly across one another. This time shallow breaths became entangled with the voice of uncontrolled passion. Each moaned as one. Lips finally touched, eliminating the separation that completed yet another portal through which energy rushed between them. Eyes finally closed, as they slipped away that was their destiny. Bodies were bursting with evidence of arousal. Time stood still, everything else no longer mattered. They had become one once again. Sounds of wet lips separating, making no more sound than the whisper of a summer breeze. They were so deep into their dance that they could hear their eyelids opening and closing, sharing the amazement that their first kiss always left with them. My hands released hers and slid around her waist, coming together behind her, locking in the small of her back. I spoke into her without a word. I drew a deep breath, looked deeply into her soul, and then stole what breath that was left in her chest like a remorseless thief. We connected for the duration, always touching, always holding each other. Secretly, they both knew that the kisses caressing the swollen ache between her thighs was well beyond her ability to withstand before being hurled from the high place. Standing, facing each other, she shifted her feet, parting her legs slightly, permitting me to slip into the gap at the top of her thighs. We kissed lightly at first, then progressively moved closer to the power of the submission that pulled at them, mouths consuming mouths with a new sense of urgency. My hands tightened on her hips, pulling her waist toward me, slipping, sliding into the slick destination where I would soon place a century's worth of kisses. The moans they exchanged spoke the language of lust, begging and pleading to continue toward completion. The kingsized bed welcomed them with crisp cool sheets. I loved watching her wriggle onto her back, searching for the perfect spot. A smile crossed My lips as I watched her place her arms over her head, feeling for the headboard, no doubt checking to see if she was close enough to push. "Spread your legs for me," I said softly. "Mmm," she moaned, as her knees rose slowly. With the beauty of a morning flower opening to the warmth of an early sun, her thighs parted for me. Delicate unfolded, glistening with anticipation, poised to offer me the me of her love for me. Slipping one hand under her bottom, I settled into passions garden, I leaned close and drew in the scent of her, savoring her, permitting her richness to swirl in my senses. A slender hand slipped down, and with a pretty finger, lightly touched just below where the bud of her clit was growing in anticipation of many kisses to come. I placed my free hand low on her belly and slowly dragged it down, slipping lightly over her mound. Her hips rolled up to accept the sensation of my warm hand. Without hesitating, I edged past her reaching hips and slipped my hand under her bottom, cradling her like a storybook. The story held between her thighs would be read by me, read by the tender touch of my lips and tongue, read word by word, page by page with the deftness of a blind women's feather touch over Braille script. With gentle support with my hands under her bottom, she planted her feet and pushed herself toward my waiting mouth. I bent down to meet her efforts, stopping short, exhaling into her warm center. The feel of my breath overcome her. It amazed me that something as warm as her soul could actually feel the warmth of my breath when by comparison she was so much hotter. I looked up at her and saw her head pressed back into the thick down pillows, hands clasped together over her head, anticipating the rush of another kiss. My waves overcome hers. Pressure of my lips against hers was light, yet firm enough to not be mistaken for anything other than a kiss, one kiss of a hundred. My tongue was slow to make contact, hesitating while I relished the feel of her hips swiveling, rotating to receive the touch of my lips. Just like the first kiss we shared, I searched with a shallow stroke of my tongue through her. With a quick flick of the tip of my tongue, I broke away from the first of many. She relaxed into my hands, sinking back down on the bed. Again I moved down to her wet warmth and spoke softly, vibrations of my voice my breath washed over her. The next kiss landed deeper into her wetness, as she pulled her knees up, giving full access to her. My tongue dipping deeply into her, synchronized with lips that parted to take more of her into my mouth. The response was exactly what we both wanted. A deep groan of satisfaction seeped from her mouth. Emphasis was added to her satisfaction with a shuddering stretching motion as she lifted herself to me, pressing toward the source of her delight. Pulling back slightly, I hesitated, looking at her glistening lips and protruding clit. My voice was smooth with evidence of my hunger. Licking her with a slow, deep draw of my tongue from the top of her soaking opening, across the velvet smoothness of her crescent, to the bursting ripeness of her clitoris. Before she could say anything, I went back to her, kissing softly and quickly each successively deeper, each with scooping motion by the tip of my tongue. Enough for her to pick up on a rhythm, her hips responding in perfect syncopation. Just as she settled into her perceived tempo, I drew another slow lingering lick through the length of her wetness. Neither focused on sequence nor on quantity. Hips stuttered abruptly, as my tongue dropped into her a deliberate trip to her clit. She was my lover. Every motion she made was in response to my patient tongue, and tender kissing lips. They wandered in passion's fog as it set in thick, blinding them from all aspects of the realities they escaped together. I was somewhere between heaven and the edge of the universe. She, on the other hand, was lost in a wave of intense stimulation, a swirling chaos of ecstasy that was hers for the taking. I was happy. We both saw each other at the office everyday. Her scent, Mmmm always with me. As mine was with hers.
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like you

Unwrapping your body in my mind, a feast. Knowing time stirs the fire of your own desire. I too, will endure the wait the want and desire. Your image that is firmly within me, as the first contact of you, almost embarrasses me to divulge. While the structure of it is complexity. Administering holds enormous potential for any sense of control. The thought of the first kiss. Simple and yet be fraught with the implications for alternative outcomes.
Trying to minimizing my desires I see no alternatives of my precaution. To endure the agony of not knowing, Am I prepared. My hands would be the instruments of your undressing. Would we kiss? We may kiss. Would the senses we have in our mouths find enjoyment Yes, we would taste each other at last? Would we enjoy the subtle mixing of our labored breathing? Would we enjoy the warm, wet lust that fills each of our mouths? Would we permitted our lips to part, encouraging, although would both our tongues know of these secrets already? Could we surviving the agony of sweet ecstasy, but whatever would you expect to gain without making the proper investment up front?
This investment period is where I will validate my assumptions. I suspect that you have little patience. Impatient, will be dealt with. I wouldnt want to prevent you from the administration of the perfect arousal. You may laugh and doubt that there is such a thing. But then, you doubted that there was a special place I could take you. You doubted that what I would or could ever give would be more than just sex. Before me you thought the word devour dealt with eating a meal when you were starving. I will teach you that devouring has little to do with food. My big surprise to you was that you could devour a moment in time.
You could devour an event embedded in lust, swallowing a memory whole, intact with all the trimmings of sweet pleasures that in reality were devouring you, devouring that sweetest place you keep Ordinary is not on the agenda, Denise I will not settle for making ordinary love with you. My development of your arousal will not be compromised. I will not have to bind you by the wrists to the headboard. In your head you are already there. I feel that you will be begging me for many things, including some degree of mercy. I can see it already. Actually, I can hear it all happening. I can hear you begging me, begging me in your softest and sexist voice to release you
Why would I place your journey to extraordinary at risk? I suspect you are questioning why I am sharing these things with you now. Simple because I can. You see, this is not about ordinary sex. This is about loving you, a love that takes to go beyond ordinary. This is about unfurling your sails into the winds of a hard earned passion. For you, that presents a dilemma, a paradox even. You could not unfurl anything with any lack of concentration. Virtues of doing things slowly.
Everything offered to you up to this point has been fast, hurried, rushed, or offered as an afterthought, as someone else bore full speed ahead intent on her own pleasure. There is more to it than that. Count on me taking you to a place where you will know of what I speak. You will know what your completion can be like should be like. Ordinary will no longer be acceptable to you.
But first, you must learn how to get there, and I will be not permit ordinary get in the way of your discovery. You will submit. Yes, you can scream put up a monumental fuss, but since you will be Finally found, you submit. I will show a level of patience necessary to endure your journey. My hands will be the instruments that transport you to a level of consciousness where you become one with your body. In order to go to an extraordinary place it is mandatory to give all of yourself to me. That I will do.
Every ounce of energy I have will be expended in this journey of deliverance. My energy can never really be lost. If you let me properly connected to you, focused on your pleasure, the flow of my energy into you is replenished by the energy you give to me in return. We never lose it. The magic is in the transference of it - from me to you, Its a matter of balance. If this is an agreeable scenario, then the giving becomes a form of taking. All too often when one party is fucking, while the other wants to make love. The balance between give and take is out of kilter. There is a winner and a loser. One is satisfied while the other is left wanting. This is why I feel we need to make love. For I will not permit the ordinary, its dull, sex without the intent of loving always is.
Eventually, I will submit to the lure of your breasts. My hands deliver the ministrations of pleasure that I know you want. Cupping and squeezing, fingers rolling, standing so very tall. There will be a distraction of sorts that you will have to deal with in some way. That is part of the journey Denise. So much pleasure was coming to you that you forgot about the ordinary routine. More would not be coming because balance had once again been ignored. As your pleasure felt bankrupt amidst a howling chaos of want.
I want to give you an investment into extraordinary. You have only slightly begun to understand the complexities of this journey. Now we will begin to climb the mountain, climb it for the first time. I am going to prepare you to spread your wings and fly. Anticipation is a very major element. The reward will be for you to enjoy many orgasms. You I expect that despite all of that, you will enjoy what I can do with my mouth as I tease. I love the way your breath snags when you know where I am going. You have no control just because you are above me. Control belongs to me, Denise.
Me lying between your knees will facilitate your journey and aid in my control of your progress. Hurrying now would spoil everything. By limiting the span of your knees, I will control your access to the pleasure my lips and tongue will provide. Yes, I will take the occasional mouthful of your hard clit.I know you love that most of all my eating you in earnest. To be truthful, I love it too. I love it even more when you become soaked with your approval of what I am doing.
And that my love for you is apparent. I will enable your first flight in a most gentle way. You will have to deal with the feather touch of a tongue distanced by the barrier of your self. Concentrate on the tender, tracing touch that outlines the swelling of your most precious jewel. Move your hips at a pace that comes from your soul. Denise, for I am between your thighs to give, not to take. You will define rhythm, but I encourage your attention to moving slowly.
Convince me that your objective is for me. Show me that you are falling into your old ways of rushing to ordinary and I will stop you cold.
Move Denise. Slowly. Roll your hips. Facilitate the sliding of my tongue over the surface of your Clit. You can feel it can't you How does the heat of my breath feel Don't move. Let me press into you with my tongue. Permit me the mouthful I've been craving. Yes, you can swivel your hips when I do that. That is such a special sign that you love my touch.
Take the freedom I am giving and apply it to your pleasure. It appears that you understand what we must do to reach extraordinary. You please me immensely. Look at my mouth. Wait for me to open it wide. Show me by waiting. Wait for my lips to quiver, begging for another mouthful of you so sweet to the taste. Wait until you see them beg, then settle down on me. Wait longer. Wait for the rumble of my voice. Wait for the vibration from my moan of before you swivel those hips.
Your flight is yours for the taking, Denise. Ride the currents. Float on the updrafts of the lust you have taken from me. Feel the energy from my giving transfer with your taking. Relax on me. Let your body melt against the flat of my tongue. Relax, Denise. Move now to the next level savor your exit from ordinary. Concentrate on your breathing.
Feel your breath deliver satisfaction to you, as you breathe in the expression of my love. Breathe out the sweet release of all things ordinary. What seemed like ordinary measures brought about your first trip to extraordinary. Denise you were extraordinary.
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