
Dealing with stuff in 2020

Just wanted to say hi to people who watch videos I uploaded here. I'm alive and well, but I can't really make videos for now. Also, for your information I noticed PH recently started to block my uploaded videos here:
- Night Of Demo Version 0.17 - Animation Gallery (long compilation)
- Night Of Demo Version 0.08 - Animation Gallery
- Alps and The Dangerous Forest - Walkthrough & Game Over Scenes (PH Cut)
- Alps and The Dangerous Forest - 2 Game Over Scenes
And also received some copyrights for works from TwistedGrim and Fulkura. Well, I can only try to apologize to artist for such uploads, it's their right to send DMCA and I totally understand this.
As for other blocked uploads - it's just that PH's report system is broken. And you can easily find my other channels with these uploads on other sites.
Regarding Night of update uploads - I guess I "bite more than I can chew" here (trying to implement my own ideas, custom mods and such, like that 0.32 one), no I idea when I'll upload more, but I hope it will happen one day.
I'll try to check my d1scord from time to time, but yeah... real life, folks
Stay safe.
  • 105
Discord plz of krongorka
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Hey krongorka i just wanted to let you know that FOBS 1.05 has dropped yesterday if you didn't know so just wanted to let you know
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Good to hear from you, hope your doing well overall
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Glad your save and well i was worried that you were tested positive for COVID-19
  • 10
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*Cough* *Cough*
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How videos on PH can be ruined by auto-content categories / Trying to fix this mess with Suggest fea

In my recent Crisis Point Extinction video I once again have the same problem I had before: I choose categories that does matter and it's actually present in the video, but after some time they are all deleted and only one is added: Transgender
Apparently, if hentai video does have futa in it - Categories will be fucked and replaced with Transgender, which is a ridiculous behaviour and have a huge impact on video performance.
I know that category suggestion feature barely works here, but I'm asking you all to try it on this video:
That button is just under the video, you'll see current Categories: Cartoon, HD Porn, Trangender and near those + suggest
If you want to help, press Suggest, downvote current Trangender category and enter these ones instead: Hentai, Uncensored in Hentai, Big Ass, Big Tits, Big Dick, Creampie, Cumshot, Blonde
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Channel is reinstated / removed from a spam list

So yeah, after sever months channel state is back to normal and I can answer to comments/your PMs again. For now.
I'm writing this message to clarify some things:
- I'm not going to post any links in PMs or comments. If you want anything - feel free to visit my d1sc0rd channel [link is in my profile page]
- If your channel is in spam list you should never bother with support@pornhub mail. Write to models@pornhub instead. Support doesn't seem to care with answers like "We can't help you, because blah-blah", models page helped some PH users I know already and answered to me in 48 hours with restored channel functionality.
- About video uploads: due to a lack of free time I simply can't upload more frequently, but I'm still willing to do FOBS/NOR update videos if I have time.
Stay safe.
  • 15
man i creat this account for you. you are my true hero. hope my comment may bring positive influence for you.
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For anyone looking on update info for FOBS A, nothing has really changed that I can see in the last few updates (currently 1.18). The biggest thing is that Completion Flags from Version B have been added to Version A, making it much easier to track when new animations are added, and which girls are currently not able to be captured. Krongorka, THANK YOU for posting the vids, and keeping up with it. I've played Hgames for well over now, but only found out about FOBS last Friday.
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Weird state of the channel. Reason why I can't answer to PMs or comments anymore

So, my channel is in a spam list for a time being. Reason? Too much commentsdiscussion with subscribers, sharing links via PMs, d1sc0rd links in profile [in my profile About section]. Before you ask yeah, I've reached PH support and that was their answer. [We can't remove your account from a spam list] What does it mean for my profile: First of all, you can see my posts on this stream, but not my comments. At all. You can't see any of my answers to PM I still can see yours, but I can't answer to them, basically. My profile is now deleted from a search here and information about is from g00gle search as well. My videos can't be featured here anymore so it affects view counts a lot. But you can still find my stuff in the site search or from google [because PH still makes money from those views, you know]. But it shouldn't affect my video uploading here. Probably. I'm not sure what to think or say about this site anymore. It's worse than YT, it does have antiuser policies, reporting/restricting system is very and there're tons of other issues I can think of. It's definitely not a goodbye. Just saying, if you want to ask me about anything feel free to use these d1sc0rd links in my profile.
  • 48
pornhub has omega triple gay
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Channel added to spam list by mistake, again

It's one of the biggest PH issues - once you post a link which isn't pornhub one your channel is at risk to be added to spam list [shadow ban]. It means people can't see your comments/messages anymore, your profile can't be indexed anymore and so on. Community manager recommends to write to the support, but they won't answer if your channel is in that list. 
One thing which might help to lift this sooner is feedback forum, hope y'all can help me once more: http://feedback.pornhub.com/forums/184663-pornhub-feedback-and-suggestions/suggestions/36367339-added-to-the-spam-list-by-mistake
Merry Christmas.                        
  • 16
I started recording again because of you lol, keep it up
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Channel situation update (or something like that)

PH staff doesn't seem to care about users issues with video restriction, so it's pointless to talk to them further. What I'm going to do about it? Well: - I'll try to add FOBS update videos in the future - Every planned video will be uploaded here I just can't guarantee it wouldn't be reported and restricted instantly, that's a problem in the first place - I really recommend you to look up for my channels on vp0rn and lusc10us [can't post links for them here, unfortunatelly, "1" and "0" ana o]. I'm moving some old  content I have there, but often with improvements. is still an option, but it's risky to add any copyrighted stuff here and I can't allow more copyright claims to happen. - I also recommend you to join my discord server [you can find links here in my "About" section], just  because I can post much more stuff there. Well, that's all folks. Stay safe.
  • 15
if you decide to upload the fobs elsewhere could you link us to it?
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Raising a question about Flagging/Restriction issue on PH

It kinda helped with channel blacklisting, might as well try to gather some attention this time as well. Feel free to vote for it.
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3 votes
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U definitely got my 3. I was starting to grow tired and slightly irritated by the issue... It happened more times than I can count... Every time with an apology hours later by the staff. (A tad late) Glad we got more do'ers among us. How about flag it, Let PH check it while online if it's truly an Issue terminate it... Sounds fair to me...
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State of this channel.

In short: it's fucked.
Someone is trying to ruin this channel performance by reporting every new upload. It started a long time ago, but now it got even worse. To the point I won't be able to post anymore here. You might not noticed, but even a joke video "Night of - Special PH Edition Cut" was flagged, just for the hell of it. But at least moderation team wan nice not to block it to japanese only users.
I had a word with a support and all they can tell is:
"Regarding the videos, when a video gets flagged by a Pornhub user, it does not necessarily mean that it breaks any rules or guidelines. Every visitor to Pornhub has different tastes and viewing preferences, so viewers will flag videos using their own judgement.
If we find your video to be compliant, you can expect to find it back on the site shortly.
Thanks for your understanding."
So, to rephrase that to you: EVERYONE can ruin anyone's channel just because he/she don't like what you're doing. PH flagging system is extremely  easy to .
My advice to anyone is NOT to upload anything on PH until they can sort out this flagging-reporting mess of a system.
I don't even know if I would be able to upload new FOBS videos once they will be done.
I have a discord channel with links bellow. I'm still going to upload on other sites like x1de0s and vp0rn.
Future of this channel is undecided.
Thanks for you time, take care.
  • 22
Gotta say, For a site dedicated to pornography... A bunch of the staff members seem rather scared when we're nearing hentai territory... Just imagine the horror and the impact on society when you see an animated version of a male's or female's genitalia, Genigeddon is real! XD
  • 2
atleast this isnt youtube, youdget fucked over worse, even if its not hentai
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The beta males have overrun pornhub dude. REEEEEEEE
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Sad react 😥
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What a bummer man, hope you can keep on with the vids and the flagging come to a stop.
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I do not understand why they want to sabotage, that person can not stop fucking. I do not believe that there are people like this in this kind of places xd. This is a copy paste to the google traductor my inglis is not good. Good lucky whit you chanel in the future
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Another pornhub member is out to get you for whatever reason.
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Discord server

I made a discord server.   Don't know how it will turn out, but I consider it as a faster way to communicate without need to visit PH page to read PMs or post something on this stream, like sneak peaks, previews, news about projects I follow. So, feel free to join if you want to - discord.gg/KgjG8AD
Try this link If the previous one doesn't work: discordapp.com/invite/VemXHZS                
  • 30

FOBS 1.13 - Complete Walkthrough (Single Segment)

I kinda stuck here with an old PC for a few days which can't be used for quality or videoediting. So, I recorded a lowbitrate walkthrough of FOBS. Nothing special here, but this is exactly how I test every FOBS  build. I was curious how much time do I need to complete current 1.13b build. 59 minutes, with tons of errors 😀 But with all captures and collectibles. I might try to make a  stream with same walkthrough tomorrow, if anyone want it, just for lulz.  Never made a stream before, though [and not sure if it's really worth it 😀]. Anyway, here's a video of this 59 minute run  https://yadi.sk/i/_T9xpMa3PRCuR
  • 4
Just found out i had a pornhub account.. must have made this awhile ago. But since im here how about making a gallery of REPURE ARIA PARADISE.
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@Krongorka this is bs! They don't send you any notifications! I just assume anyone could see it... well I'm still working on another video regardless but it'll be private
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Yea I was gunna comment name but I realized I didn't have 😜 my videos got flagged this morning so im kinda sad.
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Kinda looks like Bitch Exorcist Rio.
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Rendering with correct colors

It's been awhile since I started experimenting with new method. Upscaling is not a problem anymore and I don't need to upscale image with video editor such as Vegas. It means I can use faster NV12 codec to record videos. My main problem was output video color [I'm still not sure if this problem is fixed, though. Need your feedback, folks]. Well, I guess I'll just share my screenshots, so you can see for yourself: https://imgur.com/a/fezMw Video links: 1. Incorrect render settings  https://pornhub-e.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph59f07be029117 2. Correct render settings [flagged and restricted now, sigh... use japanese vpn to watch it]  https://pornhub-e.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph59f0a4ee60b86 * Oh yeah, about video flagging. It's really annoying to see even my private videos with 0 views are getting flagged and restricted. I'm well aware it's done by someone from my friend list... http://coub.com/view/yw4vk https://youtu.be/W4hMWHRLEF4
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FOBS new method (yeah, another one)

In continuation to this post  https://pornhub-e.com/users/krongorka/post/stream_posts_users/283372511 Well, that's interesting. I found another method which is much better than the old one used for 1.13. Here's a comparison  https://i.imgur.com/7teImC7.png As you can see, it's almost as good as original sprite which is amazing, considering this game is locked to 640x480 resolution and this is recorded with 8x magnifier [I plan to record with 6x setting, though]. I'd also like to use it with other games, but this method have some serious flaws:  It doesn't allow vsync  windows aero MUST be disabled during , so gameplay videos with 60 fps and fast screen scrolling are out of table [unless you want to see visible stutters due to screen tearing]. For now I can only record with OBS, which wasn't really designed for lossless and there's some colour banding. It can keep FPS stable, though, so... it seems like an 'almost'ideal solution for FOBSlike animations . I didn't forgot about Future Fragments, but this stuff can improve quality for all following projects. Here's a raw: nonedited clip from FOBS, no interpolatinon, at 8x magnification [Personally, I think it's better to use 6x setting]  https://yadi.sk/i/6xQwVoc23NuQBQ And here's an old render [first one, pre1.13 method, but with interpolation]  https://webmshare.com/play/g8dWb Made interpolated version of the new one for the hell of it: https://webmshare.com/play/VJd0j "Change the process, change the outcome"  https://youtu.be/U4FNBMZsqrY
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About software and some sneak peak clips for future fragments

So, let's say you want to record your gameplay and you want the best quality. And I mean lossless quality. Here's a list of programs I've tried/using: Fraps [with RGB Lossless option enabled] requires a lot of hdd space and cpu speed. Some games may lag no matter what options you're using. But output video is flawless, there're not much alternatives. You can use upscalers afterwards and it won't cause artifacts. OBS Studio ['Lossless avi' option / NV12 encoder with YUV 709 partial]  probably the second best. More options, runs faster. But it wasn't designed for lossless in the first place. Upscalers will cause artifacts [ color shifts, some black dots].    Camtasia. Many options, interesting one. Doesn't really allow to record system sound if you want to use lossless video output, which is a stupid limitation. But framerate was quite stable. Need more testing.   Bandicam. Not that bad at first, but lossless options are limited to a very slow RGB24 codec [I have no idea what system specs it was designed for] and Lagarith lossless codec. Lagarith is the main disappointment for me. Multiple artifacts with upscaler, completely wrong colors. Won't use it anymore. Dxtory. I've considered this option, but I don't have access to latest versions and the old one is meh. And it doesn't support desktop , so I won't use it. Currently using OBS for Future Fragments recordings, along with Fraps when framerate isn't the issue. And I guess I'll just post some sneak peaks, since I'm not sure when the video will be ready: 1. [Faye scene  Animation Gallery]  webmshare.com/play/NKGyW 2. [Credits test. I'm not sure if I'll use this track for a  video, though. For now it's made just for lulz, try to guess what's the track I used here]  webmshare.com/play/8e0BZ * https://youtu.be/QqE61TqUoLY
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I don't like making plans, but...

I'm starting to work on Future Fragments. That's an interesting title, there're a lot of animations and it seems to be a big game in the end [no idea when it's going to be released, though]. 
The problem with this project is the content is scattered between multiple demo versions. Plus, there're 3 [!] game engine variations. I can fully edit only the first one [fire level animations]. Second one - a little [ice stage beta]. Third one - barely [content of the electric level]. Blob video was made from first version, by the way. 
Well, it's not the huge problem, but I got to think about how I will edit rest of animations, since there will be a background and other stuff - can't really make perfect  loops, interpolation will cause more glitches, etc. Plus, it's just easier to record with the first one in editor. 
So, I don't know how long it will  take. 
* Current situation with flagging: I don't know  how to deal with it anymore. FOBS video was deleted from eporner for a COPYRIGHT CLAIM. Yeah, right... I highly doubt that it was a claim from Zell himself. Anyway, uploading on eporner is not in a "priority upload" list anymore. And PH... I guess there's just one way - upload and reupload videos until they stay unrestricted. Or use other channels to upload my stuff here [done it before, cough *Wolf Girl*]. 
* I won't even call it a sneak peak, but - https://webmshare.com/play/OyvVn 
10 frames for 'run' animation... you won't see it in most H-games out there. Interpolation is really making a difference in this case.
  • 11
you're definitely appreciated 🙂
  • 1
We're aiming to release it by December 2018 😀
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My Statement About Flagged/Restricted FOBS 1.13 Video

Here, I made a small video  https://yadi.sk/i/rkOEosOh3NWzA3 *Don't worry, I'm not crying in front of and bitching about PH moderators. There's no accusation, either. Just some info and lulz.
  • 3
hahahaha. anyways. mind explaining how to the fucking witch ogre?
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FOBS 1.13 Video Flagged

Seriously?  https://i.imgur.com/u5n7WS2.png    https://i.imgur.com/2Cwoy1Z.png

Good job, PH. 
Well, high quality version is available for everyone on eporner. 2 times more bitrate at 720p than the version which was uploaded here, in fact. Even 1080p is available. 
I'm glad, since I used another renderer and this is the best quality-wise FOBS video I've ever done: 
If video doesn't load - press on HD button and select a resolution. Default AUTO preset is bugged. 
Alright, I guess I know what happened. 1.13 update contains a new type of enemy. Marionette dolls, 3 of them. Might look like a . But... *sigh*. I guess I'll reupload it later. 
PS: link to restricted video on PH, you can use a JAPANESE VPN when it will be restricted:  https://pornhub-e.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph59d6a4a0256f3
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@Krongorka Eporner videos doesn't load, I'm using an iPhone
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Well, I couldn't find it on Xv1deos and eporner doesn't work for me,is there a link for it ? Cause It could be flagged there as well lol
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so uhh..i you upload the save game for this version please krongorka ?
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im really hurt that they are doing this to you :c but at least yay eporner!
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FOBS ver.1.13 Update Sneak Peak

Well, looks like I underestimated amount of work I have to do with this video. Being buzy in normal life doesn't help either, heh.
Not complaining, just asking for some patience. Quality-wise it's  much better  now.
Sneak peak video -  https://webmshare.com/play/1MgqP
  • 2
Is the Red Harpy able to be captured in this update? I've been looking forward to her.
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FOBS 1.13 update is out

Just a quick heads up.
Download link - https://ux.getuploader.com/fobs2/
Password is: fobs113930
Now, about videos: first, I'll make a video about update content only... probably will be ready at Tuesday. Next video will be a complete walkthrough and then I'll make a full updated animation gallery.
  • 6
Hello, where do you see the guides on how to play the girls of the game?
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Can't wait to see the new stuff!
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Managed to get all the monsters on my run. This was more difficult than expected. Any tips you need I'd be glad to help. I'm sure you've already gotten it though. Looking foward to your videos. 
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Some info about FOBS engine and next 1.13 video

Man, I really  don't know what to think about the current FOBS engine [Action Game Maker].
On one hand, I can easily modify and disable any  sprite, sound, music with game files and it will work flawlessly. It also runs smoothly, performance-wise and it doesn't take much HDD space.
On the other hand, Zell's artwork suffers from it, big time. It's also the reason why he can't make sprites bigger, he does have a lot of problems with stability lately. Oh, and this engine's support is discontinued already.
I think it's a matter of time now before Zell will switch to the other engine. Or he will stop working on FOBS [I hope not].
Anyway, here's a little ' sneak peak'... well, not really, but you might understand what I mean when I'm talking about this engine limitations - https://i.imgur.com/fsP4gv0.png
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I really want to know what happened to "town" concept. I liked the idea of helping friendly monsters until accepted then get laid.
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Same,switching engines is gonna be a learning curve for him if he does decide to do it. Though it would benefit his work. I do understand that it would take a longer time for an update to come through if he goes this rout, but again he is currently limited so it might be for the better. 
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I'm just a guy from the internet. My profile seems to be in a permanent spam list state, so I can't answer to any of your comments and PMs. I made a second channel in case this one will be locked away completely - pornhub.com/users/gorkron . You can subscribe to it just in case I will move there. Also, feel free to join to my discord server if you have any questions about videos / game updates or you just want to chat - discord.gg/KgjG8AD - Or use this link instead: discordapp.com/invite/VemXHZS

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