I have a phenominal sexual appetite. No matter what it is, I just can't seem to get enough of it. Be it cum, or cock, or just pleasure it is something that I crave 24/7 without fail. I can be sick with the flu running a 102 temp and I am still horny as hell. Some call that being a nympho, I just call it enjoying life.
Because of this I try to do anything that strikes my XXX Done it. DP? For sure. Bukkake? Sorta, but I still wanted more. Leave it to me to find something that I hadn't yet done.
A year ago I saw a porn video of a Triple penetration. I'm not talking Ass/Pussy/Mouth I'm talking Ass/Ass/Pussy or Ass/Pussy/Pussy. I had considered this, but discounted it as impossible until I saw this video and how they pulled it off. Following this was a year search to find a third guy who would be cool with this sort of thing.
Men are not secure in their sexuality. This is a fact most men and women accept. Just the concept of being close to another mans penis makes them freak out. It makes a lot of guys not want to do Double Penetration because OMG I MIGHT TOUCH ANOTHER COCK!!! Guys, seriously, get the fuck over it. Touching another cock during group sex doesn't make you gay.
Anyway, it took me a year to find a guy who would get with my fiance, his best bud, and me to try triple penetration. Just a few weeks ago I tried it for the first time, and after quite a bit of trial, error and failure we got it to work. If you as a woman enjoy DP you MUST try this. It feels sooooo pleasurable I actually started to .
Here is the catch, all 3 guys do have to have fairly large cocks to make everything work. The best position I found the most enjoyment in was:
This is done on a bed - Not too high for the third guy.
Guy 1 on bottom - Smallest of the three cocks
Woman on top of him her back to his chest- Cock in ass - Her ass is right on the edge of the bed.
Guy 2 on top - Scooted forward as far as possible - cock going straight down into pussy
Guy 3 in the middle - He needs the largest of the 3 cocks to make it in there. Pushing straight ahead into whatever hole he wants.
I found it easier to manage the two cocks in my ass because believe it or not, even with all the sex, my pussy is fairly tight. Thank yoga and kegels for that. After I came a few times I was self lubed enough to finally get the second cock in my pussy. With all the pushing and all 3 cocks in me I screamed so loud and was in so much extacy I nearly .
After they ravaged me for what seemed like an eternity I was left on the bed covered in my own juices and writhing in extacy. I could barely sit up, and was still shaking all over when all three jerked off on me, covering my face and tits with the huge loads of cum I love so much.
In the beginning we were doubtful it would work, but when all was said and done we were all glad we took the plunge and gave it a shot. We already have plans to try it again soon, I can't wait. Who knows, I may add a fourth so I can fill my mouth up at the same time.
Question to the reader: Have you ever tried this or at least fantasized about it? Comment and let me know 😉
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