Just a heads up, for anyone wondering. I'm going to be reorganizing all of the Gotcuffs videos I've compiled into individual playlists sorted by model. This should make things easier if you're trying to search for a video featuring a specific model. I'll be condensing my existing playlists down into this format, and will continue to add videos/playlists as I find them. If you know of any videos that I may be missing, feel free to DM me the link and I'll add it. Keep in mind that this will be an archive of videos from various uploaders, so it is still up to you to become friends with those whose private videos you wish to view. With all that said, I will be changing my username to GC Archives [or some variant of that] to better reflect my channel and so that it is easier to find my playlists.
If you have any questions, just ask! ;]