Also, since I just discovered I can post things here, this may become my venting space. Literally no one I actually know follows me, so I can let s**t out.
So… first point… my relationship is opening up. We’re thinking maybe we can find more happiness and success in the long term if we allow each other to find that “thing” that’s missing outside of our relationship and to take some of the pressure off of each other. The thing I always find funny about pop culture’s viewpoint on open relationships is that the guy usually gets really excited at the prospect of all of the women he can potentially get with. The reality of the matter is that a guy doesn’t have it super easy and that girlfriend of his will find someone to f**k MUCH quicker than he will.
I go into this understanding that, but also not really in a hurry to find someone new. I have some work on myself that I really need to do first. If I can get myself back in peak shape, though, I could potentially be a catch again!