Hello, my name is Ally.
I am 31 years old, 4'7" in height and 90 lbs (I know that sounds scary but for my size it is fine).
I also have one tattoo on the back of my neck.
Message me on here an Amazon Gift card code if you wish to support me even further! You can choose any amount you see fit, the money will be used to improve our videos, and I'll let you know what I get with your money and it will be featured in our future videos! How cool is that? We'll even mention your name ((if you want us to)) at the end of our video(s) to show our appreciation! If you want to support me, here's my Venmo! <3 https://venmo.com/Ally-Cat-2
Art in swords and the craftsmanship of swords.
Japanese food.
I like to go to parks, walking anywhere is nice.
I like cats, they are so cute and are such a benefit to my anxiety.
My hobbies are to doodle, cooking, and watching Game Grumps on YouTube
And stripping, I used to be a stripper don't laugh but my stripper name was "Cutie Pie" xD But I don't have upper body strength so I guess I couldn't technically 'strip', but I do like to warm up to people and just chat and cuddle when I did use to strip. Of course lap dances are great too~
Biting (No )
Scratching (No )
Hair Pulling (Not to the point of crying)
Light Bondage (No other bondage I like, light bondage is preferred)
Feet, I HATE feet. So in all of my videos, you will see knee socks or leggings.
Bad breath
Name calling (Like bitch,whore,slut,dirty cunt etc. I am a gentle person and I like roughness but only if it's spanking and or choking to a certain degree), so NO name calling please! Thank you.