It is our goal to continuously improve Pornhub for both Models and users and find new ways to enhance the experience. Creator feedback is one of the ways we achieve this. Your feedback is invaluable. It helps us better understand community needs so we can improve the platform, and as a result, make your lives easier.
Throughout 2024, we conducted regular interviews with our Model community to gather feedback and work collaboratively to enhance the Pornhub experience. We also monitor feedback that is expressed through emails and shared on social media to find trends such as the most frequent requests. With the introduction of Tiers, Models were required to upload one 7+ minute video every 6 months to keep their accounts monetized. Now, we are happy to share an update in response to what we heard in 2024!
We have reduced the video length requirement to keep your account monetized. Now you only need to upload one 5+ minute video every 6 months (previously 7+ minutes).
This update was put into effect retroactively, meaning if your Model account was demonetized for inactivity between July 1 and December 31, 2024, we remonetized any accounts that uploaded a 5+ minute video during that period.
While this change may seem small, it significantly impacts the way we operate as a business and required a lot of thoughtful calculations and considerations to reach a mutually beneficial balance. We had to look at months of data to simulate possible outcomes, which takes careful planning and many math wizards to get right.

To move up in Tiers, you still need to upload the number of 7+ minute videos outlined in the Tiers criteria (see photo below). The 5+ minute videos won’t count toward unlocking a new Tier.

We hope this change enhances the Pornhub experience! And if you would like to share your feedback directly with a member of our team, consider reaching out to us through the Support Form.